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Huna International


What is Huna?
The Seven Principles, the Three Selves, and the Four Levels of Reality
The Aloha Spirit, text of the free booklet on blessing
The Eye of Kanaloa, a full explanation of this ancient symbol
The Gospel of Huna, the 7 Huna Principles as taught by Jesus of Nazareth
Huna and Hawaiians, the historical evidence
Ho'oponopono Revealed, the real facts
Huna Videos on YouTube, posted by Serge Kahili King

Current Articles

Friendship, by Serge Kahili King
Growing Into Knowing, by Graeme Kapono Urlich
The Bowl Of Luck, by Pete Dalton and Stewart Blackburn
Polarity And Duality, by Christoph Hetzenecker

Library Archives

by Serge Kahili King
Kamehameha The Great
Linear Healing
Healing A Broken Heart
The Force
Pride of Hawaii
Shaman Practice
Ideas And Illness
A Different Point of View
Fields Within Fields
Fire, Water, Wind & Stone
Making Changes
How To Increase Your Energy
The Hula Experience
How to Heal a Situation
The Myth of Healing Energy
The Right/Left Split
Dreams Of Health
The Case Against Karma
From Lack To Prosperity
Why I Don't Read Minds
Huna and The Scientific Method
Questions And Answers
On Self Mastery
African Soul Retrieval
Silent Healing
The Bamboo Nose Flute
Pyramid Memories
Belief Frequencies
It's About Time
Here There Were Dragons
The Seven Principles of Energy
The Art of the Grok
Categories of Consciousness
Understanding Emotions
The Aka Web of Healing
About Optimism
To Stress Or Not To Stress
Ideas Rule The World
Change Requires Change
Energy Healing
The Power Of Curiosity
How To Communicate With Your Body
How Heal With Symbols
How To Improve Your Memory
The World Is Really What You Think It Is
A Mind-Body Partnership
How To Manage Fear
Busting Limitations
How To Heal The World
Everyday Magic
HowTo Feel Good About Yourself
The Secret Of Happiness
The Most Powerful Power of the Mind
Power Hits and Love Bites
How To Live Aloha
How To Expect The Best - And Get It!
The Benefits of Being Present
Memories And Experience
Technique Touch-ups
Time Travel Is Tricky
How To Change A Habit
How Manifest Your Goals
How To Stay Healthy
Angry Illnesses
The Radical Response
Healing Bad Memories
How To Heal Addictions
How To Mend A Broken Heart
Making Sense of Meditation
The Secret of Luck
Self Esteem Meditations
The Surfing Solution
The Discipline of Relaxation
Pain, Pain, Go Away
What To Do When You Don't Know What To Do
What Does It Take?
Executive Functioning
The History of Huna
Healing Shapes Revisited
Healing Shapes
An Answer To A Tough Question
The Body of God
A Different Point of View
Change is a Law of Life
The Hula Experience
The Chemistry of Love
Significant Numbers
Our Destiny
On The World As A Dangerous Place
The Myth of Supply and Demand
A Destressing Plan
On Prayer
What About Me?
The Age of Electronic Shamanism
On Love
Self Mastery
The Legend of Queen's Bath
What Does That Mean?
Climate Change
Huna Means "The Secret"
Christmas At Volcano
The Identity Imperative
The Enabling Power
Who Owns Your Happiness?
Human Cycles
Thirteen Questions
Blessed Are The Peacekeepers
My Friend Abraham
Priceless - A Book Review
Shamanic Healing In The Wake Of A Disaster
The Hawaiian Kupua
About Creating Anahola
Pride And Humility
Hawaiian Goddesses
The Meaning of Life
Today Is Different
Waikanaloa Cave
A Living Philosophy
The Healing Power of Patience
Thoughts on Cancer
Fear of Focus
Pound and Slash: The Tradition of Hawaiian Sculpture
Checking Your Values
Modern Shamanism
Teaching Huna to Children
Hawaiian Facts
A City Tour of Sacred Hawaii
Scientific Magicians
The Fortunate Feast
Love, Power, and Harmony
What do we do now? A Response To Tragedy
Along The Rainbow Trail To The Temple Of Mu
To Pay or Not to Pay
Power and Purpose
The Huna Path To World Change
What Is A Kahuna?
Purple Feathers
The Ethics of Huna
Beware The Mad Scientist
Time Warp
One Hand Clapping
A Millenium Message
When Does Childhood End?
Why Is There War?
The Rules We Live By
Getting Centered
Hina Speaks Out
A Lateral Perspective
Just A Tiny Flower
Decision Jitters
How To Love
Rituals and Modern Society
Where Does A Wave Go?
Life, Death & Huna
Masters and Slaves
Spiritual Economics
Personal Sovereignty
Bless Your Way to Success

by Susan Pa`iniu Floyd
A Need For Change
Living The Principles
The Power of Asking
The Blessing Of Water
An Opportunity For Growth
Thoughts About Hina
Perfect Timing
On Being Bold
Lomi Styles
There's Always Another Way
Reactivating The Shaman Hui
Hula, Huna, and Healing
Leaving Ku's Work to Ku
Living Aloha
Holding the Vision
Kaleo Adventure
Seeing Windshields
Ku and Lono Dancing
I Sight
Inner Listening
Love and Compassion
Birth of a Teacher
Feeling Better Than Good Enough
Psychic Energy

by Jim Brinkley
Good Morning!
A Book Review
Some Thoughts on Immunity
Obstacles: Opportunities in Disguise
Thanks, Dad
Tree Spirits
I Knew That!
Speak to the Mind and the Body will Listen
Energy and Justice
Complementary Healing III: Synergism
Complementary Healing II
The Great Debate: Complementary Healing I
God Is A Pile Of Dung
Dirty Harry and Huna
Time Warp Revisited
Work Less, Prosper More
The Quester's Gift

by Stewart Blackburn
Am I Just Making All Of This Up?, by Stewart Blackburn
Huna & Luck, by Stewart Blackburn and Pete Dalton
The Sublime Art of Effortlessness
No Pain, No Gain?, by Stewart Blackburn
The Magic of Approval, by Stewart Blackburn
Huna and Curiosity, by Pete Dalton and Stewart Blackburn
The Inner Skills of Peace
Aloha Spirit In The New Year, by Pete Dalton & Stewart Blackburn
How To Deal With Bad News, by Pete Dalton & Stewart Blackburn
Focus And Concentration
Structuring The Inner World
Three Important Things, by Stewart Blackburn and Pete Dalton
On Its Own Terms
Questions, Questions, Questions, by Pete Dalton & Stewart Blackburn
Power & Vulnerability
The Trigger of Expectation
Just For The Fun Of It
The Edge of Awareness
The Pleasure of Success
Embrace The Unpredictable
The Hotel on Treasure Island,
Subjective Reality
The Essence of Power
Purpose, Destiny and Choice
Become The Idea
If It's All Happening Now...
Rules Are For Dolts, by Stewart Blackburn
Being Powerful
Making Friends With Intensity
Love It Into Being
Kanaloa Consciousness
Stalking Success
The Danger of Fixing Problems
Quiet Calls To Wholeness
A Metaphysical Odyssey
A Bouillabaisse Life
Troubleshooting The Manifesting Process
Manifesting For Pleasure
The Importance of Being Different
Answers And Questions
Huna and Tantra
Thinking Like An Immigrant
The Choice Of Trust
The Case Of The Wicked Ego
The Sacred Art of Savoring
The Bite Of A Puffin
On Beyond Healing
Lessons From A Lobster
When Criticism Gets Complicated
You Have To Claim It
Pleasure Is The Measure
The "Like" Button
The Connoisseur Of Feelings
Neutralizing The Fear Of Criticism
How To Get To Heaven
Dealing With Those Who Hurt Others
Reality and Truth! Oh My!
A Different Vision
What's All This Huna Stuff, Anyway?
Transformation At Dinner
Ha Ha Ha
A Horse Named Makia
The Fly And I
The Three Blankets
Permission Slips
The Power Of Pleasure
The Moment of Letting Go
How To Develop Your Forgetory
A Shaman in the Kitchen: Cooking the Seven Elements
An Adventurer's Mistakes
Love Heals From Within
The Soft Underbelly of Disappointment
The Blessing of Dissatisfaction
Growing A Heart
Huna and Sustainability
Reflections on Expectations
The Wish-Fulfilling Tree
Musing on Asking
Reflections On Being An Adventurer
The Wisdom of Undisciplined Pleasure
Identity Management
The Art Of Expectation

by various authors
Spiritual Pitfalls, by Graeme Kapono Urlich
Something Good Is Going To Happen To Me Today, by Pete Dalton
Comfort Zone, by Christoph Hetzenecker
Solitaire, by Graeme Kapono Urlich
Huna & Relaxation, by Pete Dalton
Insight Into Clutter, by Wayne Axelson
Think, Feel Relax, by Graeme Kapono Urlich
Huna & Feng Shui, by Cecilia Bergero
Huna & Relaxation, by Pete Dalton
Spirituality?, by Graeme Kapono Urlich
Intent & Attitude, by Jim Fallon
The Seven Principles Every Day, by Pete Dalton and Stewart Blackburn
We Don't Need Fear, by Graeme Kapono Urlich
Blanket Forgiveness, by Jim Fallon
Huna & Quantum Physics, by ChatGPT
The Kupua Stone, by Graeme Kapono Urlich
The Wave of Life, by Pete Dalton
Huna & Karma, by Graeme Kapono Urlich
Huna, Aloha & Kindness, by Pete Dalton
What Am I Looking At?, by Graeme Kapono Urlich
Predicting Possibilities, by Jim Fallon
Lost In Metaphors, by Graeme Kapono Urlich
Random Acts of Huna, by Pete Dalton
7 Principle Meditations, by Douglas Barker
Healing Trauma, by Graeme Kapono Urlich
A Huna Teaching Tale, by Pete Dalton
Soul Retrieval, by Graeme Kapono Urlich
Water Is Life, by Jim Fallon
Go Sit On The Moon, by Pete Dalton
Using The Eye of Kanaloa, by Jim Fallon
A Blessing Sandwich, by Janet Rudolph
Hypno Acupressure, by Jim Fallon
The Adventurer Attitude, by Pete Dalton
Gratitude, by Graene Kapono Urlich
Finger Magic, by Jim Fallon
Huna Movement, by Pete Dalton
Effective Recharging, by Ingrid Stadtler-Pree
The Mental Pendulum, by Jim Fallon
The Huna Harmonizer, by Pete Dalton
Psychokinetic Exercises, by Jim Fallon
Principles, Planets and Days, by Douglas R. Barker
Huna Concepts, by Pete Dalton
A Different Way of Blessing, by Jim Fallon
A Simple Huna Meditation, by Pete Dalton
The Highest Good, by Graeme Kapono Urlich
A Time To Mourn, by Nancy Bloemer
Revisiting The Principles, by Pete Dalton
Troubles With Techniques, by by Graeme Kapono Urlich
Rituals for Well-Being, by Jim Fallon
On Taking Things Personally, by Pete Dalton
The One Inch Belief, by by Graeme Kapono Urlich
Stay Present, Choose Love, by Nancy Bloemer
Huna and Mosqito Bites, by Keola
The Bowl of Light, by Pete Dalton
EWOP, by by Graeme Kapono Urlich
Bless-Trust-Expect, by Nancy Bloemer
Spiritual Dowsing, by Jim Fallon
Coping in Uncertain Times, by Pete Dalton
Beauty, Blessings and Bistro, by Janet Maika'i Rudolph
Huna Coaching, by Pete Dalton
From Wish To Goal, by Ingrid Stadtler-Pree
Strengthening The Immune System, by Jim Fallon
The Adventurous Heart, by Pete Dalton
Bless The New Year, by Jim Fallon
Reflecting On Connecting, by Pete Dalton
How To Be A Crystal Master, by Jim Fallon
Western Ho'oponopono, by Graeme Kapono Urlich
Exploring Forgiveness, by Pete Dalton
How To Be A Dragon Master, by Jim Fallon
A True Story, by Aida Dzirio
New Ways of Seeing, by Pete Dalton
The Wizard of Oz and Huna, by Jim Fallon
Lovelight Meditation, by Ingrid Melia Stadler-Pree
3 Adventurous Reactions, by Pete Dalton
Parallel Programming, by Jim Fallon
Huna and the Nature of the Self, by Pete Dalton
Color Healing, by Jim Fallon
A Navigation Tool, by Pete Dalton
Mind Probe, by Jim Fallon
The Importance of Compassion, by Pete Dalton
How To Become A Shaman, by Jim Fallon
Strangers Among Us, by Pete Dalton
Manifest With The Eye of Kanaloa, by Jim Fallon
Stop and be Present!, by Pete Dalton
Appreciation, by Wendy Nielsen
Urban Shaman Revisited, by Pete Dalton
Reflections, by Pete Dalton
The Flu Season Script, by Jim Fallon
Technology And Health, by Graeme Kapono Urlich
The Year Ahead, by Pete Dalton
Huna For Sports, by Jim Fallon
Starting Points For Healing, by Pete Dalton
Huna For Business Executives, by Jim Fallon
Heroes & Adventurers, by Pete Dalton
Coming Home, by Jim Fallon
Dynamind and Disbelief, by Christian Thurow
What Do I Want?, by Pete 'Ike Dalton
How To Attract Money, by Jim Fallon
A Wonderful Adventure, by Graeme Kapono Urlich
What Next?, by Astrid Mohn-Kiehn
What's In A Name?, by Graeme Urlich
Fingerwalk A Labyrinth, by Jim Fallon
Dynamind and Scrying, by Jim Fallon
Huna And The Purple Crayon, by Dr. Matt Miller
Shaman Stones For Empowerment, by Jim Fallon
The Magic Mirror, by Jim Fallon
The Magic of Expectations, by Susanne Weikl
My 'AHA!' Moment, by Lisa Larsen
What's It All About?, by Jim Fallon
The End Concept, by Luca Bolognini
A Life-Changing Experience, by Nancy Bloemer
The Virtual House Of Huna, by Margrit Strauss
Create Your Own Path, by Astrid Mohr-Kiehn
The Purple Bag, by Jim Fallon
About Allowing, by Christine Spycher-Mandel
Is This Your First Rodeo?, by Jim Fallon
Positive Conversation, by Pete 'Ike Dalton
Saywas And Huna, by Jim Fallon
Warning! Mercury Is In Retrograde, by Graeme Kupono Urlich
Shapeshifting The Future, by Jim Fallon
Where Is Your Pearl?, by Peggy Kemp
Inspirations, by Peggy Kemp
Huna And World Peace, by Jim Fallon
Almost Instant Healing, by Pete 'Ike Dalton
The Paradox of Assistance, by Pete 'Ike Dalton
Joy of Life, by Susanne Weikl
Leaving Tracks, by Astrid Mohr-Kiehn
You Are The Adventurer, by Pete 'Ike Dalton
Life Talk, by Mieko Hayashi
Living Symbolically, by Pete 'Ike Dalton
Huna and the Tarot, by Jim Fallon and Serge Kahili King
Keep Your Focus, by Susanne Weikl
In-Depth Lomilomi, by Christine Spycher-Mandel
Reading Signs, by Graeme Kapono Urlich
Huna: Simple or Easy?, by Pete 'Ike Dalton
Dynamind and Medications, by Jim Fallon
Respect, by Kahuna Hula Kawaikapuokalani Hewett
The Daisy And The Oak Tree, by Graeme Urlich
Communicating In Your Mental Garden, by Jim Fallon
Changing The Past, by Graeme Urlich
Time Casting, by Jim Fallon
Huna And The Body, by Pete 'Ike Dalton
Another Sound Of One Hand Clapping, by Ivan Kovacs
How To Figure Out What You Want, by Brian Higgins
Huna In Mundane Places, by Pete 'Ike Dalton
Vibratory Situation Healing, by Jim Fallon
Learning From The Nature Of Waves, by Pete 'Ike Dalton
Vibratory Healing, by Jim Fallon
Infusion Confusion, by Graeme Kapono Urlich
Snow White and the Seven Principles, by Mai-Britt Rosendal
More Results With Healing Shapes, by Margrit Strauss
The Manifestation Process, by Jim Fallon
Fishing For Gold, by Mai-Britt Rosendal
The Pendulum As A Tool For Change, by Jim Fallon
How To Use Healing Wands, by Jim Fallon
Origins of Healing Symbols, by Jim Fallon (PDF)
The Happiness Set Point, by Dan Green
Resolutions: A New Way, by Sherri Miller
More Lessons from Games, by Graeme Kapono Urlich
The Power of Intention, by Cristina Bar Sela
Remote Viewing, by Jim Fallon
Huna Helper, by Diane Koerner
Implementing Change, by Astrid Mohr-Kiehn
Fix Your Life Now, by Jim Fallon
A Dog's Life, by Fern Merle-Jones
Changing Ku Source Code, by Mai-Britt Rosendal
Solving Problems with Feng Shui and Huna, by Jim Fallon
From Small Beginnings, by Graeme Kapono Urlich
Biodynamic Osteopathy and Healing Shapes, by Margrit Strauss
HUNArt: Patterns of Love and Power, by Lois Heinani Stokes
Life Is Too Hard, by Graeme Kupono Urlich
Reducing Stress With Huna, by Diane Koerner
Meat Puppets, by Mary Olsen Kelly
What Does It Mean?, by Graeme Kapono Urlich
Aka Threads and Quantum Entanglement, by Jim Fallon
The Latest "Ultimate" Secret, by Graeme Urlich
A Huna Story About Serge, by Lynne Volker
The Hidden Island of Kane, by Jim Fallon
Makia, by Mai-Britt Rosendal
Teachers and Pedestals, by Graeme Urlich
Martian Newbies, by Jo Danieli
Distant Dynamind, by Jim Fallon
Dream Skills, by Brian Higgins
Quantum and Kala, by Bill Russell (PDF)
Positive Thinking, by Graeme Kapono Urlich
Savoring and Huna, by Dan Green (PDF)
I Feel Like I Was Being Tested, by Graeme Kapono Urlich
Problem-solving With The Seven Principles, by Brian Higgins
The Alohamana Technique, by Peter Nebres
Nose Flute Magic, by Jim Fallon
But Which One Is True?, by Graeme Kapono Urlich
Mother's Management, by Jo Danieli
Musical Healing, by Mike Majorowicz
The Hidden Knowledge of String Figures, by Lois Stokes
Catching The Kahuna Wave, by Wayne Kealohi Powell
Losing Weight With Huna, by Pohaku
In Memoriam: Jesse Kostin
Virtual Shaman, by Lois Stokes
Snaring Time & Space, by Lois Stokes
Sunrise In Germany, by Jutta Hahr
Astral Travel, by Jim Fallon
A Really Bad Night, by Christina Bar-Sella
Dynamind and Healing Relationships, by Jim Fallon
Welcome Home To The Land Of Mu, by Lois Stokes
Loving Relationships, by Kala Kos
Cosmic Vibrations and The Eye of Kanaloa, by Jim Fallon
A Haole Native, by Jo Danieli
Dream Weaving, by Jim Fallon
Visit To The Ryukyu Islands, by Mariko Kamimura
Life In The Dust Of Evening, by Jo Danieli
My Journey With Huna, by Maria Waldock
Hula: Past and Present, by Anne-Kristine Tischendorf
For What It's Worth, by Bob Toledo
Shapeshift Your Future, by Jim Fallon
The Sound of Aloha, by Thomas Barth
Simple Healing, by Sonja Kass
Internal Energy, by Jim Uttleymoore
Whispers Of Aloha, by Lois Stokes
Mind over Matter, by Jo Danieli
Nordic Huna, by Jo Danieli
The Lucky Shaman, by Jim Fallon
The Echo of the Spirit, by Jo Danieli
Huna In Prison, by Patricia Hering
Wind & Water - Feng Shui and Creation, Or why Feng Shui Works, by Christina Viol
Reach Beyond the Form, by Rev. Michelle Khan
The Best Makahiki Ever, by Fern Merle-Jones, with photos by Rainbow Photography
Hula, the Soul of Hawai'i, by Tracey Ha'aolakainapali
A Nature Outing with Archangel Susan, or Still Another Susan Adventure! by Jim Uttleymoore
Just Passing Through, by Jo Danieli
Power and Love in Argentina, by Eugenia Lerner
Hawaiian Lomilomi Massage, by Tracey Ha'aolakainapali
Shamanic Training in the Middle East, by Cristina Bar-Sella
"Bali Hai Calls You ...", by Jo Danieli
My Experience, by Stefanie Doll
What Have You Always Wanted To Do...But Haven't Done Yet?, by Pamela Brennan
Bless the Present, by Michael Jones
Daily Huna 3: Car Crashes and Cane Spiders, by Peggy Kemp
Gorillas in the Misty Mind, by Jo Danieli
Step Out Of The Trap - NOW!, by Jo Danieli
A Short History of Lemuria, by Larry Williamson
Huna and the Root Canal, by Peggy Kemp
Birthing Peace, by Fern Merle-Jones
Letters from Israel - A Special Report, by Cristina Bar-Sella
After The Storm, by Jo Danieli
The Oki Effect, by Jo Danieli
The Hardness of Living at Ease, by Jo Danieli
Daily Huna 2: A Death in the Family, by Peggy Kemp
Soul Mates, by Fern Merle-Jones
Remember September 12, by Janet Kato
Why Not Celebrate "Junk" & "Crap"?, by Jo Danieli
Ka-maka-nui-'ahai-Lono, by Waiapoholio
Hawaiian Lomi Lomi Massage, by Tracey Courtney
Of Aliens and Men, by Jo Danieli
Daily Huna, by Peggy Kemp
A Key To Healing, by Paul Waters
Waging Peace on War, text by Hans Oberländer, reprinted by permission of Lufthansa Magasin
The End of the Spiral, by Jo Danieli
Computers Have Feelings, Too!, by Fern Merle-Jones
A Place For Love To Dwell, by Kapua Gregory
How My Dog Taught Me About Focus, by Jo Danieli
The Huna of String Figures: A Secret Magic Revealed, by Lois Stokes
H.U.N.A.,by Paul Waters
European Dynamind Tour, on the road with Fern and Michael, includes photos
Symbolizing Ourselves, by Jo Danieli
Weaving The Prayer Flower, by Lois Stokes
Lost Thread (a true story), by Jo Danieli
Lomi Lomi Lokahi, by Fern Merle-Jones
Choices, by Paul Waters
Spiritual Washouts?, by Jo Danieli
Magic Brownies, by Peggy Kemp
Real Teachers, by Jo Danieli
String Figures and Shamanism, by Lois Stokes
What's In A Name?, by Earl Stokes
Beginnings and Endings, by Fern Merle-Jones
How Big Is Good?, by Dianne Hohol
Wai Wai: Effortless Material Prosperity, by Kala H. Kos
A Kokua Group In Action, by Peg Buckley
Man's Heroically Puny Efforts, by Gy Hall
What Is A Shaman?, by Larry Williamson
The Dream, by Paul Waters.
A Blessing In Disguise, by Fern Merle-Jones
The Deeper Meaning of Aloha, by Curby Rule
Negatively Speaking, by Graeme Kapono Urlich
Soul Retrieval, by Davina Colvin
My Teacher The Horse, by Bev Brody Skerik
Who Are The Victims?, by Graeme Kapono Urlich
The Way of Aloha, by Wayne Kealohi Powell
Motivation is the Moving Force, by Kala Kos
A "Susan" Adventure on Kauai, by Paul Waters and Tom Vonderhaar
Huna for the Earth, by Kapua Gregory
The Seven Vital Elements: An Inspiration, by Clare Applegate

palm isle