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Huna In Prison
by Patricia Hering

This is how I used Huna to help my son who was sent to a state penitentiary. Huna can also be used in other circumstances of separation from family such as our sons, daughters, husbands, wives, etc., in military service. We can't be with them to see how they are doing or help them cope, but God can!

In prison, my son had to wear the issued ankle high boots and wool socks. He had a foot odor problem which got worse wearing wool socks. So much worse it affected the whole cell block and his life was threatened.

Every night at lights out, at 10 PM, his spirit would come to me and ask, "Mom, do you still love me?" And I would tell him, "Yes, I always have loved you, love you now and always will love you." His response was, "Thanks, Mom." This nightly ritual continued during the entire incarceration and was so strong other people in the room could feel it.

I knew then, that it was time for me to "get to work" since he would be asleep and more receptive. I would see myself standing by his feet, holding my hands near them and seeing the energy penetrating and surrounding his feet. First I would start with Kahi after doing Piko Piko breathing.

Within a few days the odor was drastically reduced and the prison nurse gave him 3 white cotton socks (none the same length!). Why 3? Who knows? They were what she found and did help his feet heal. On the first level, he hand washed his socks every night and wore sandals while in his cell.

His cell was in a corner and darker than the others with a smaller window. They were not allowed to turn on lights in the daytime so it was too dark to read or draw, which he loved. So Mom sent his cell light and overdid it! The other prisoners complained that he had a brighter light bulb or had his light on during the day. The guards checked and rechecked and couldn't explain the brightness in his cell. He called me and asked me to turn it down a little. That made everyone happy.

My son had migraines most of his life. One day he called me after standing in line to use the phone for over an hour. He said this was one of the worst migraines he ever had and they wouldn't give him his medication. I suggested he go back to his cell and lie down with a cool washcloth over his eyes while I "went to work."

I had a migraine too. This is when I discovered it wasn't "my" migraine; it was his I was feeling. Since I had medication for "my" migraines, I grokked him and took the pill as him. One hour later he called back. He had fallen asleep and his migraine was completely gone and so was mine.

He also had a cruel guard who would bang his nightstick on the cell bars when my son had a migraine. I blessed this guard and asked him to be kept away from my son. The next day, the warden called my son to his office and asked about this guard's cruelty. The whole cell block had complained to the warden. My son had not reported it. The warden transferred that guard to the high security section in another building that day.

After three months in the penitentiary, my son was suddenly given "shock probation." Not only was he out of prison, he also had a new trial which proved his innocence and he was really free.

His wife's brother was also in another prison at the same time. His mother told me that the "prayers" probably saved her son's life because he was always fighting and getting beaten by the guards. He also received "shock probation" and was released from prison two months after my son.

Both young men attribute their prison treatment improvement and release from prison to strong family support and love - The Aloha Spirit! With aloha expressed through Huna we are never helpless no matter in what circumstances we find ourselves or our loved ones.


Thanks to Serge's teaching of Huna, I knew pain equals resistance. But to what? It puzzled me and then bit by bit, piece by piece the puzzle took shape.

The back and left hip pain is my Ku trying to stop me. It remembers old hurts and injuries from childhood and is just plain scared every time I attempt to move forward. No, it's not just scared, it is terrified!

When I attempt to do something new, Ku sees as a threat, and tries to stop me, protect me. It is best if I "Ku talk" first. "It is OK. We're safe and protected. No one can hurt you any more," etc. and the pain lessens. If I just remember to calm down my Ku first, I am OK. Forget to do it and I am wracked with pain and all Ku's little bag of other tricks.

A recent example: I wrote an article for the Huna news. Not only did the pain increase, my car died and my phone wouldn't work! Oh, the lengths Ku will go to just to "protect" me, to stop me from "going public" with my writings.

When I realized what had happened, thanks to Paul's reminder that the car and phone represented communication, I started Ku talk. Gee, my phone started working and AAA jumped my car and I was able to deliver my article to Peggy for publishing.

In retrospect, it seems amusing. At the time it was very frustrating. There is no feeling quite like getting all ready to go somewhere, go out to the car and it won't start. Nothing happend. Nada. Zilch. It's kind of like having a stroke. One minute you can do everything and the next your body doesn't respond. The car and phone problems were much easier to recover from than a stroke. Now I am getting the message and understanding it from Ku sooner. It pays to listen and sometimes we need help to get the bottom of the problem. That's why we have each other. If we all didn't need assistance, there would only be one person on Earth with no need for help or anyone to help!

Copyright Huna International 2004

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