Huna Article
Huna International
PSYCHIC ENERGY by Susan Pa’iniu Floyd
When our car gets low on fuel we have indicators that tell us to refuel. When our bodies get low on fuel, we
usually feel hunger to remind us to refuel. Is there something that tells us our psychic energy is getting
low? First of all, what do I mean by psychic energy? Energy that flows freely in and around us and follows
our attention where ever our attention goes. The same energy that manifests our experiences of this world.
We have a thought or we say a prayer and then it either manifests quickly, slowly or not at all. Slowly or
not at all could be indicators of low psychic energy. Whether we are doing shamanic healing for others or
the planet, or if we simply want our own lives to run more smoothly, increasing our psychic energy can fuel
the visions. The faster our prayers are answered the more time we can spend on enjoying the adventures of
Opportunities for increasing energy are all around us. We only need to recognize them. Like learning where
the local markets, restaurants and gas stations are, once you know, it's easy to get there. Nature is filled
with abundant energy sources. Streams, hilltops, sunshine, waterfalls, caves, forests, gardens, and animals
just to name a few. Sometimes the sheer intensity of energy around you can increase your field of energy.
Sometimes its peacefulness can relax you, which has the effect of freeing up blocked energy.
Suppose you live downtown and it's not easy to find waterfalls. One thing you can do is to go to other
places in your mind, using vivid imagination from actual memories or from pictures, movies and stories
youÌve heard or your own creative inspiration. These journeys can have powerful effects, especially if we
notice the energy fields while we're there.
There are many places within a city to experience high energy fields. The top of a city building is a
powerful spot. Shopping malls full of people and busy intersections have high energy fields. Any place with
high activity or gatherings of people like train stations, concerts, movies, and crowded sidewalks. (That's
why, when I go to New York City, I can walk around town for days without getting tired.) And don't forget
when you come together in groups, for whatever reason, but especially when the focus is on healing or
learning, intense amounts of energy are usually generated and available for increasing your capacity to hold
There is a trick to it though. Living with high levels of energy can have side effects. Like:
- Dehydration, which can in turn cause unpleasant body responses;
- When energy moves freely in our bodies, it will find blocks if we have any (anyone not have any
tension?) Until we relax the tension, it can feel uncomfortable;
- In the process of expanding and intensifying our energy fields, we can also be influenced by the
emotional content of other fields.
Remember the Principle of Mana: All Power Comes From Within. It's a good idea to be centered and confident
so we can remember to select which emotions we want to be affected by.
Advice? Read Serge's Earth Energies or Urban Shaman for many more ways to increase your
psychic energy. Carry water with you and remember to drink it. Move your body often, not necessarily in big
ways, unless you like that, even small movements like deep breathing and wiggling fingers and toes while
you're at a desk can help circulate energy that gets blocked. Keep thoughts positive so your body can be as
relaxed as possible. And spread your loving emotional field everywhere you go. We are influenced the most by
the nearest, strongest resonant field, so why don't you be the strongest field? That way you can have all
the benefits of increasing your own psychic energy and be a shaman healer at the same time!
Susan Pa'iniu Floyd is an Alakai of Huna International and the Managing Director of Aloha International. She
trains practitioners of Hawaiian massage and teachers of Huna, and teaches classes and courses on Huna,
Hawaiian Massage, Hawaiian Shamanism and Hula throughout the world, especially in Europe. Check the Activity Hut for her schedule and contact her by the
information given below.
Copyright Aloha International 2001