Huna Article
Huna International
HUNArt: Patterns of Love and Power by Lois (Heinani) Stokes

Photo: Earl Stokes
Spiders spin mandalas of sacred art
Opening portals to the unseen world
Ancient silken strings embrace magic
I spend a lot of time being aware of patterns. Patterns of man and place, nature and spirit, sight and
sound. There are no limits to the patterns that connect us, as the sky against the earth.
Waves of movement in the patterns integrate the HU and NA
HU: Active - straight lines
NA: Still - curves and circles
HUNA: "Secret" Hawaiian Esoteric Knowledge
Hidden patterns though not secret
Inner knowing outward sight
rising, swelling, quieting, calming
Merging left and right
When I create art I am centered in the present moment. Mindful of my every movement. My Piko Piko breath
launches me into radiant patterns of love and power. Appreciating the harmony of my work, I send the healing
forth to create new patterns in those that are influenced by my work.
Patterns Concentrate
Circles enhance the effects
Spreads and releases tension
Energy moves out to the edge
Wholeness through intention
Rays gather as the lines direct
The energy moves inward
To a point increase the flow
As spokes direct it out
Curved and straight the line becomes
Squares and triangles hold power
Spirits travel in straight lines
Unable to turn corners
Symbols hold the magic of the form
Images held and yet unspoken
Thoughts directs the energy
On wavelengths pulse intention
Moving meditations as in the art of Zentangle and Cat's Cradle help to open communication and bring into
harmony Ku (memory), Lono (creativity) and Kane or Aumakua (inspiration).
I immerse myself into my art and emerge influenced by the healing that occurs within me.
I scratch my Zentangle with bamboo needles on the leaves of an autograph tree that grows in Hawaii. The
leaves are thick and juicy and the lines turn to gold when first drawn. The process of watching a green leaf
turn brown takes about a week and is a meditation in itself. If left in water they remain green longer and
if left on the tree you can watch your art grow.
I embrace this expression of art that reflects Sabi or the beauty and serenity that comes with age and the
process of change.
These Zentangles become my spirit friends who hold my prayerful intent.
Lois and Earl Stokes teach the art of Zentangle¨ and Hei Hawaiian String Figures. They can perform HUNArt as
a healing ritual for you or someone you love. Contact them:
For more information:
Zentangle¨ is a meditative art created by a monk and a calligrapher.
The Zentangle¨ art form and method was created by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas. Zentangle¨ is a registered
trademark of Zentangle, Inc. Learn more at
Copyright Huna International 2010