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Almost Instant Healing
by Pete Dalton

I am presenting the following case study of how one man dealt with knee pain and the issues around healing that this illustrates from a Huna perspective.

Some years ago, he began to experience chronic pain in his right knee. This was around the time his father was becoming seriously ill. As time went on his knee pain got worse and he opted for surgery. At the time the procedure seemed straightforward, and, for reasons he cannot quite recall, he went along with it. He recalls various people around him questioning why he had opted for the operation.

He had the operation and was required to keep his leg in a splint for 4 months afterwards. Getting around during this time was a frustrating experience. During this period his father's condition worsened with the result that his father was admitted to hospital where he was predicted to live for only a matter of days. In addition, at this time he had a call from the police to say that a property he owned had been broken into stripped of its contents and vandalised. The policeman had commented that it was one of the worst cases he had ever seen.

A few weeks later his father died and a lot of time was given to grieving, supporting and sorting. He was experiencing considerable anger over these events and felt angry almost all the time. While his leg was no longer in a splint, he was walking with crutches some of the time and although strictly following the instructions of the surgeon and physiotherapist and doing strengthening exercises, the post operative healing process was taking much longer than expected.

Two years later, his sense of anger had reduced and there had been some improvement, but things were still not right with his knee. He was still somewhat frustrated and decided to get an opinion from a different surgeon. He was shocked as the surgeon told him that he thought the knee was infected as a result of the operation, that there was evidence of acute arthritis and that he should not have been dong the strengthening exercises that the original surgeon and the physiotherapist have given him and that he could expect to have a knee replacement at a young age. It was not the constructive consultation he had expected. He hobbled out of the hospital walking worse than he had in some time.

Subsequently, he decided to see the surgeon who had done the operation, here he was hoping for a different outcome, or if that was not possible, then to at least be able to vent some of his frustration. Unsurprisingly this surgeon had a different opinion and thought that the operation had been a success considering that it was a complex procedure. What was interesting is that at this consultation the surgeon explained in very explicit detail what had been done including sawing through the tibia and re-joining it, realigning major tendons etc. This was a new level of detail which had not been provided before. Even more interesting was that the surgeon talked him through in detail what the healing process should ideally be.

As he sat in the consulting room listening to these details, he focussed on them intently in his mind in as much detail as he could. As he did so he experienced a massive physical and emotional shift. Although impossible to describe in words, it was as though he audibly heard a 'clunk' sound in his head and felt a calm warmth pervade his skin and something snap into place in his body. He stood up and walked out of the consultation room with perfect gait and no more strange sensations in his knee. It has been perfect ever since.

There are many ways to analyse this situation and I offer only a few of the possible insights here:

The issue of his father being ill and his right knee pain corresponds to Serge King's ideas around 'somography' which are documented in Imagineering for Health. Here, issues in the right side of the body can be related to masculine energy or archetypes and issues in the knee can be related to fears and uncertainties. In this case there was fear about how much he was going to be able to 'stand up to' the challenges this presented and how he was going to be supportive to his mother.

Multiple events (his reduced mobility, father's approaching death, vandalised property) occurring simultaneously presented opportunities for him to experience a stress response. This was not dealt with effectively at the time and as a result exceeded his stress thresholds and created a traumatic experience.

Feeling prolonged bouts of anger to the point where anger almost became the norm reduced his effectiveness in all areas of his life including healing and the application of self healing techniques.

Other people questioning his rationale for having surgery (although possibly correctly) contributed to seeding doubt over whether there could be an effective healing outcome.

Becoming aware of his anger in relation to the situation had resulted in some improvement. This corresponds to the ideas of Dr John Sarno, who, in works such as The Mind Body Prescription posits anger as being the root cause of much pain and that simply becoming aware of the anger results in a cure or diminution of pain experiences.

Briefly accepting the verdict of a surgeon, based on his 'authority' and in a state of shock made the condition instantly worse.

Being presented with two virtually dichotomous options from surgeons provided a point for him to choose which reality to experience. In this case the reality which had the most beneficial outcome was chosen.

Being presented with detail of the procedure and importantly details of the expected healing process was important. This not only provided expectation, but vitally, had improved awareness of what the procedure had entailed and most importantly provided detailed conscious instructions about what the body needed to do to heal.

When negative emotions were dispelled, a desirable reality was chosen with confidence. Lono provided clear focussed instructions to Ku about what was needed to be done to heal. When these conditions were in place, healing was instantaneous.

Ok, so it's confession time, the person in the case study is me some years ago. Although I did not deal with the situation perfectly at the time, I have used it to learn a lot of lessons which I have put into action since with myself and others. This includes:

Taking charge of choosing your own reality and enhance your awareness.
Believing that healing is possible and will happen.
Maintaining positive expectations and focus.
Taking action.
Maintaining connection and rapport between the three aspects of ourselves.
Being confident in choices made and dispelling doubt .
Dealing with stress and emotions to maintain personal effectiveness

Sound familiar?

Faced with the same issue today and knowing what I do now, I would probably not have had surgery in the first place. However, hindsight is a great thing, of course. I am, as ever, grateful for the diverse opportunities, both expected and unexpected that the universe delivers to enable me to develop and grow. I can as a result of this particular experience stand up and walk tall and be grateful for the wonderful insights it has bought.

Pete Dalton 2014

Pete Dalton is an Alakai of Huna International living in the UK. For more information on his work visit his website www.urbanhuna.org.

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