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Huna International

I Knew That!
by Jim Brinkley

I had just arrived at beautiful Hanalei Bay. There I was, relaxing in my hotel room, one of the "cheap" rooms at the Hanalei Bay Resort. This meant I was surrounded by a lush tropical rain forest, assailed with the sights and scents of a myriad of tropical blossoms, and serenaded each morning and evening by a chorus of several different kinds of birds. I have never understood why the expensive hotel rooms in Hawaii are the ones that face the ocean. I once spent nearly a year on that same ocean and I can tell you for a fact that there is very little to see. There is the sky. There is the water. There is a line in between that we call the horizon. Most of the time there is very little else!

It was only 8 P.M. but I was exhausted. Back on the mainland, where I had started my day at 4 A.M., it was already 11 P.M. We had just switched to daylight savings time early that morning and I had not slept well. I was very tired from my trip. I just wanted to unpack, have a snack, and go to sleep so that I would be fresh the next morning to begin Huna Quest. We were supposed to meet Serge promptly at 8 A.M. at the Hawaiian Art Museum. I turned on the TV only to get a quick CNN update on world events, especially those in the Middle East. As it turned out, there was no CNN at my hotel. In fact, there were no news channels at all. There were only the three major networks and several local channels. As I flipped through them, there was Serge! He was lecturing in his usual spot at the Hawaiian Art Museum. "Man," I thought, "You can't get away from this guy for a minute! He's always trying to teach me something!"

Tired as I was, I decided to watch for a few minutes. Even in that short time, Serge said something that really grabbed me. He said that if one is trying to manifest something by working in the spiritual world (i.e., in one of those other dreams) but it does not seem to be forthcoming in the physical world (i.e., in this dream), one might hasten the manifestation along by making physical changes here and now to prepare for it. He gave an example of a lady who was seeking a new job in another city. She had sent in her resume and she had even had an interview but she had heard nothing since. Serge suggested that she call some moving companies and begin getting estimates for moving her belongings to the other city, that she call airlines to inquire about the fare, and that she begin checking on apartments for rent in the new city.

I am not looking for a new job. I've already manifested a nearly perfect one! I am trying for some improvements in other areas of my life but the same principle applies. As soon as Serge explained it, I exclaimed aloud (to no one in particular, as I was alone in the room!), "I knew that! So why am I not doing it?" Without my realizing it, Serge had just prepared me in advance for the week to come. He has a way of doing that.

Huna Quest was great. If you haven't done it, I highly recommend it. It consists of a week's Huna training with Serge in a group limited to only twelve, plus a few invited supernumeraries, usually alakai (spiritual guides) of Aloha International. We had a great group of people from all over the world. Alaska, New Jersey, Kansas, Georgia, California, Germany, Switzerland, and Hawaii were all represented. Each day was spent in a different idyllic location on Kauai. We visited beautiful beaches, historic spots, highly spiritual heiaus, waterfalls, mountains, and the rain forest. We even shared that greatest of Hawaiian treats: shave ice! (I had the tropical rainbow.) In each place, we learned about a different aspect of the Huna knowledge.

Having studied with Serge for many years, I honestly didn't expect to learn very much on this trip. In fact, there were only a few things that were new to me, but I was genuinely surprised by the number of times I found myself saying (or thinking), "I knew that! So why am I not doing it?"

I had a chance to tell Serge and Gloria about seeing Serge on TV. I asked them how I might apply the principle of making changes in my physical reality to encourage a specific manifestation on which I am now working in spiritual reality. They gave me several concrete suggestions, which I began to implement as soon as I returned home. Apparently even the intent to implement them had some effect because I had an experience on my return flight that seemed to be an omen of a soon to be fulfilled manifestation. Over the ten days since my return, several other occurrences have reinforced this omen.

Everything is a reflection. Effort on the spiritual level, especially when reinforced by making changes to fit the circumstances, really does work to manifest change in physical reality. Heck, I knew that!

Huna is simple. With a little training, anyone can understand it. But it is not easy. It takes dedication, focus, and persistence to become a master. It is so easy to forget about some of the techniques and to lapse into not practicing them. We are all easily distracted by the challenges and responsibilities of our daily lives. In order to stay focused, it is most helpful from time to time to get recharged or as I like to call it, re-Huna-gized.

There are many ways to do this. Reading or re-reading Serge's books, going over notes from previous Huna courses, revisiting audio or video tapes, or attending evening or weekend workshops can all help to get one re-energized about one's goals and refocused on the means to achieve them. For me, the best way of all to do this, whenever I can, is to spend some time on Kauai in the presence of Serge, Gloria, and some of the alakai who live and work with the Huna knowledge on a daily basis. If you have found yourself doubting the effectiveness of this knowledge or simply forgetting to employ it in the midst of your hectic daily life, consider getting refocused. As you review the material in whatever way you choose, don't be surprised to hear yourself thinking, "I knew that!"

Copyright Huna International 2002

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