Huna Article
Huna International
Computers Have Feelings, Too by Fern Merle-Jones
One of the ideas that we have in Huna is that everything is alive, aware
and responsive. We of the Huna mind tend to accept this as an example of a
living Universe as we happily go about using our resources and possessions for
our pleasure and convenience. Recently, I had the opportunity to learn that my
laptop computer was not only alive and aware, but also seemed to respond to
the stresses of current events with surprisingly human reactions. Here is the
Not having a TV, my husband and I relied on the Internet to tell us the
details of the September 11th tragedy and all of the followup events that have
occurred since that time. One day while reading CNN news reports, I was offered
the option of making CNN my opening home page . "Oh that would be great," I
thought. "Now I can get all the current news just by opening Internet
Explorer," and I clicked "Yes". Everyday I would go onto my computer ( her name
is "Birthday Girl" since I bought her for my birthday) to find out the daily
news - first thing in the morning, again later in the day and before bed at
night. Everyday the news seemed to get worse, more ominous. My Ku started to
get very uncomfortable. The beauty of Kauai seemed out of place, almost a
mockery. My world seemed a very unsafe place.
I started to feel anxious just looking at Birthday Girl.
Being a Shaman, I started to look for how I could heal the situation. If I
couldn't heal myself, how could I help to heal the world? I tried pico pico
breathing, I tried Dynamind healing and they both worked for as long as I
focused on them. But when I went back to reading the news, the anxiety in my
solar plexus and the cloudy feeling in my head returned - I decided to stop
looking at CNN. If something important happened, I was sure that someone would
let me know soon enough.
The change was amazing. Within a day, I felt a lot better. Once again, I
could hear the peaceful sounds of the birds and feel myself breathing the warm
air and get inspiration from the swaying palms outside my office
Now I could go to my e-mail, but I avoided the rest of the Internet
completely since I would have to go through CNN to get anywhere else and I
felt that I would be sucked into reading the news. One day, about two weeks
after my resolve to avoid the Internet, I found that I couldn't get into my
computer at all. It had completely frozen at the Windows Splash page. I
thought that it was just a fluke.I turned it off and tried again, but no, it
was stuck at the Splash page and would not get to any of my material. I tried
talking to it a rest...grokking it...maybe it had a virus? Finally
I called the manufacturer's tech support. After several diagnostic tests and
three techs later, they determined that there was something physically wrong
on the hard drive. I would have to try to retreive my contents using DOS and
very expensive technicians and then replace my hard drive and reload all my
What a Drag... How could this happen? It was just working fine...
I decided to call a local person for a second opinion. My technical friend
came over and worked with my computer. At first he said that he couldn't get
her to "talk" with him, but soon with loving attention, the computer did open
up and let him examine its cells. He found that there was one "bad cell" and
with skill and patience, he was able to repair it. My computer was working
again, she was healed! It was a Miracle!
The next day when I turned her on, I realized that my computer was very
pale. The colors were not coming up and she was all grey. She seemed
depressed... I felt depressed.
Once again my tech friend came over, once again the computer seemed to
resist changing, but was finally coaxed into letting her colors come back. "Oh
how beautiful you are, Birthday Girl."
My friend asked me, "Is there anything else you would like to change?"
Immediately, it dawned on me, "Yes, please take CNN off the Internet home
page." And so, we replaced it with my beautiful Island Blessings page which has
the cliffs of the Napali lit with vibrant color from a huge rainbow. What a
relief. I could feel my "Birthday Girl" glowing with appreciation. Yes, I
finally got the message. My computer was alive, aware and responsive which
means that she could also get stressed. She needed to have beauty around her to
remind her of our beautiful world, just like me!
P.S. You can check out Birthday Girl's new home page at:
Copyright Huna International 2001