
Dynamind (DMT) Certification
For Practitioners and Teachers
Serge Kahili King will certify practitioners and teachers of the Dynamind Technique (DMT) who fulfill the following requirements.
Complete The Dynamind Technique Home Study Course
After fulfilling the above pre-requisite, complete the application as follows:
1. Provide a brief resume of pertinent experience, including current address, email and website, if any.
2. Provide reports of 25 case studies (25 clients) using the format given below. Case studies do not have to be sent all at one time.
In return, Serge Kahili King will
1. Provide comments on the case studies as they are submitted.
2. Add the Practitioner's name and contact information to a Certified Dynamind Practitioner list on the www.huna.org website.
3. Refer potential clients to the Practitioner as appropriate.
4. Provide a forum for Practitioners to exchange information about the use of DMT.
1. Follow Practitioner requirements.
2. Provide reports of 100 case studies (100 clients). Practitioner cases may be included. Case studies do not have to be sent all at one time.
3. Take the Huna Teacher Training Home Study Course.
4. Provide personal contact information for communication and website use.
In return, Serge Kahili King will
1. Provide comments on the case studies as they are submitted.
2. Add the Teacher's name and contact information to a Certified Dynamind Teacher list on the www.huna.org website with a link to the Teacher's website and schedule, if available.
2. Refer potential students to the Teacher as appropriate.
3. Provide updates on the practice and teaching of Dynamind as the information base grows.
Administrative/Registration Fee
Pay the fee of US$100.00 for Practitioner Certification or US$1000.00 for Teacher Certification using the PayPal button at the bottom of this page, or by sending a check drawn on a US bank made out to Huna International to the address below:
PO Box 426
Volcano HI 96785 USA
Format for reporting case studies:
1. Sex and approximate age (child, adult, etc.) of the client.
2. Problem: (what was the client's primary presenting problem? How long has it been a problem? What was the intensity level, if you used a scale?).
3. Process: (describe what you did and what happened for each round).
a) Include word or other variations used in each round.
b) Include symbols used and the effects.
4. Resolution: (describe the final result of the session or series of sessions).