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Huna Principles for Students
By Katherine Veilleux

IKE - The World is what you think it is:
What are your perceptions and beliefs about yourself as a student? Do you believe you are capable of being successful in school? Why? Why not? How can you change that belief? How would you like to see yourself? Begin to imagine yourself this way. Remember times in the past that you have been successful at anything. How did it feel? Transfer that feeling into your imagination to school work.

KALA - There are no limits:
There are no limits to what you can accomplish. There are no limits to what you can do. We create our own limits in our minds. We can change our minds. Other people's perceptions of you do not define you. We can choose to perceive ourselves as successful. Begin to imitate the behaviors of someone you know who is successful at school or begin to imitate the behaviors of someone who has qualities you want. For example: if you want to learn how to ride a horse, imagine you are John Wayne riding a horse. If you want to downhill ski, imitate someone who is good at downhill skiing.

Makia - Energy flows where attention goes:
Focus on what you want, not what you don't want. Think of specific grades you would like to receive. Think of how it feels to do well on a test. Imagine that you are already successful. Imagine that people are recognizing you or your academic ability. When you focus on a memory of something you've done successfully in the past, you will bring that feeling of success into the present moment.

Manawa - Now is the moment of Power:
Bring your attention to the present moment. In the present moment, now, you have nothing to fear or doubt. In the present moment you are safe. What can you do in the present moment to progress toward your goal, i.e. do your homework, go to class, study with someone, talk with your teacher, think positive thoughts? Regretting the past and worrying about the future drains your energy from the present moment.

Aloha - To love is to be happy with:
Find something you love about the work to be accomplished and focus your attention on that. It could be that you get to sit in a warm comfortable chair while reading your book. It could be something in the book that you enjoy reading about. Let yourself have some fun with it. Doodle in the margins or create mind maps of what you're reading in various colors.

MANA - All power comes from within.
No one can make you feel a certain way. No one can define you as "stupid" or unable to accomplish something. You define yourself. If you notice people judging you in a certain way, say to yourself, "I know I am smart and capable". I can do this. I've been successful at what I wanted to achieve in the past and I no I can do it now. I believe in myself and my ability to be successful. Surround yourself with people who are already doing what you want to do.

PONO - Effectiveness is the measure of truth
Use study techniques that work for you. What has worked in the past? What does a successful student do? Are you more effective studying in the morning or evening? Does it work to do two hours at a sitting or half hour segments with a ten-minute break in between? Does it help to study with others or alone? Try some different ideas out and do what works!

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