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Solving Problems with the Eye of Kanaloa
by Jim Fallon

Visualize a golden Eye of Kanaloa, like the one above.

Imagine that this golden Eye of Kanaloa is on a movie screen about three feet in front of you, centered at your navel, and think of it as a sort of circular grid on which you can place images.

Think of something that you like, that you are positive about. It could be a nice memory, like being at the beach, or an object of some kind, like an ice cream cone. Let an image of this appear on the Eye in front of you and notice where it settles. For an example, say it appears at the upper left "corner" or section of the mental golden Eye of Kanaloa.

Now think of something that you have negative feelings about, or that was/is a problem. Notice where this locates itself on the Eye of Kanaloa. For example, it might appear on the lower right section.

Next, think of something you feel neutral about. Notice where that appears on the mental eye. For example, say the middle.

By doing this you have mapped out positive, negative, and neutral areas of the Eye of Kanaloa in your mind. This grid is where we really do our thinking, we do not think inside our heads.

Now for the fun part. Take a situation that you do not like, and with your hands extended out in front of you, go into the mental eye and move what you do not like from the "negative area" of the eye to the neutral area of your eye. This will take the angular energy of the situation and neutralize it!

You could also perform mental kahi between the two defined points, or one could take the location that showed the area of something that you did not like, and move it to the "positive area" of the eye.

More than anything, this will help one control one's emotions, hence control one's life better.

One could even think about a time where they manifested something and notice where or what area of the eye this is located on when you think about this or simply just recall it.

Then take a situation you want to manifest, as you're thinking about it, see where that is on the eye and move that event/situation to the area of the grid that has manifested before.

palm isle