Hawaiian Huna Village
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Aloha Newsletter
April 2007
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Excerpt from the book, 'Mastering Your Hidden Self,'
by Serge Kahili King (Quest Books, 1985):
"Your subconscious mind is part of you. Yet it can
seem like a perfect stranger if the ideas it operates by
are quite different from the ideas that you consciously
think you should operate by. Many people are so out of
touch with their subconscious that it and their conscious
mind can be likened to two businessmen who meet only
to conduct the affairs of their company. They know
nothing of each other's hopes and aspirations, likes and
dislikes, fears, strengths, and weaknesses. Just as two
businessmen who cooperate daily in certain respects may
hold widely divergent political views, so may the conscious
and subconscious hold widely different opinions about
various things important to the whole life."
Aloha International News
Aloha International is sponsoring its first "Hunaquest"
course on the Big Island in April, a week-long adventure
that takes international students to the ocean, the forest,
waterfalls, and the volcano for classes, taught by Fern
Merle-Jones and Serge Kahili King.
Current Articles on the Web at http://www.huna.org:
- "Huna Means 'The Secret'" by Serge Kahili King
- "Peace Is Prevailing" by Tatomir Ion-Marius
- "Astral Travel," by Jim Fallon
New Translations at www.huna.org/html/global.html
- in Romanian and Hungarian
New letters and world Huna happenings, and new inspirations, along with participation in our world-wide Healing Circle are in the Sharing Hut.
Upcoming Events
Check the Huna Calendar for:
- May 1-5 Hawaiian Massage in Germany with Susan Pa'iniu Floyd
- May 6 Huna Talk at Volcano HI with Serge Kahili King
- May 8-12 Hawaiian Massage in Poland with Susan Pa'iniu Floyd
- and more...
E wahi ka makaha, i pi'i ka i'a
Break open the fishpond when the fish grow up
(Change bad habits to make new friends)