Hawaiian Huna Village
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The Aloha Project
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Aloha Newsletter
March 2010
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Excerpt from Healing Relationships by Serge Kahili King: "The question before us is, where does truth come from? The answer is, from people. Individual people like you and me. Truths don't fall out of the sky. Someone has to make them up."
Hawaii's Kilauea Volcano Watch
At Halema'uma'u Crater lava is rising and falling every half hour with small fountains in a deep pit. Elsewhere lava is flowing toward the coast, but has not reached the ocean.
Making The World A Better Place
If you are interested in helping the people of Haiti, there are many ways and a great many organizations listed at http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2007/impact/index.haiti.html.
Aloha International News
Aloha International's hula troupe, Halau Hula Na Lei Kupua, held an annual performance on Kauai that featured the dances and music of Kawaikapu Hewett.
Second Life: The weekly Healing Circle has become so crowded that the seats around the circle had to be doubled.
Current Articles on the Web at Huna.org:
- "Healing Shapes," by Serge Kahili King
- "Reducing Stress With Huna," by Diane Koerner
- "The Wisdom of Undisciplined Pleasure" by Stewart Blackburn
- "Meat Puppets," by Mary Olsen Kelly
"Ancient Hawaiian Farmers," by Serge Kahili King
Send your healing requests to huna@huna.org and participate in our world-wide healing work at the Healing Hut and at the Global Healing Circles in Second Life.
At The Huna Store:
- New Sterling Silver Eye of Kanaloa Pendants.
Upcoming Events
Check the Huna Calendar for:
- March 30-31, Trieste, Italy, Shamanic Dreaming with Serge Kahili King.
- April 23-27, Moscow, Kino Mana Body Work with Susan Pa'iniu Floyd.
- May 1-2, Starnberg, Germany, The Huna Way with Serge Kahili King.
- and much more...
Ha'ale i ka wai a ka manu
The rippling water where birds gather
(a beautiful person who attracts by a peaceful nature)