Hawaiian Huna Village
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Aloha Newsletter
March 2008
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Excerpt from Earth Energies by Serge Kahili King:
"Many books that deal with esoteric energy tend to list chi, ki, prana, and mana together as if they were the same thing. While the pairs do rhyme nicely, it must be stated that mana does not belong in the list. Mana is a Polynesian word that basically means divine or spiritual power and authority or influence. It is the ability to direct energy, rather than the energy itself."
Kilauea Volcano Watch
Lava has overrun the Royal gardens subdivision and forced the evacuation of remaining residents. It is expected to reach the ocean shortly.
Aloha International News
Our free "Aloha Spirit" booklets have been going out to more and more people in places like Pakistan, India, Ceylon, and South Africa.
As part of our "Natural Forest" project at "Hale Huna," our center in Volcano, a number of large invasive trees, namely guava and faya, have been removed to allow more native species to grow back.
There were 20 avatars who attended the Huna Talk at the Huna Village Conference Center in Second Life on March 2nd.
Current Articles on the Web at Huna.org:
- "On Prayer" by Serge Kahili King.
- "What About Me?" by Serge Kahili King.
- "Reflections On Being An Adventurer" by Stewart Blackburn.
- "Catching The Kahuna Wave," by Wayne Kealohi Powell.
- "Losing Weight With Huna," by Pohaku.
Send your healing requests to huna@huna.org and participate in our world-wide healing work at the Healing Hut.
At The Huna Store:
- The Wishing Stone - for energizing your dreams.
Upcoming Events
Check the Huna Calendar for:
- April 6, Huna Talks at Cooper Center in Volcano and Huna Village in Second Life.
- April 13-18, Big Island, Hunaquest, a personal development course with Serge Kahili King and Fern Merle-Jones.
- April 23-27, Munich, Germany, Kino Mana with Susan Pa'iniu Floyd.
- and more...
Kukulu ka 'ike i ka 'opua
Revelations are found in clouds
(Clouds can represent thoughts, or symbolize omens)