Hawaiian Huna Village
Workshop Hut
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Healing Hut
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The Aloha Project
The Huna Store
Aloha Newsletter
November 2012
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Excerpt from "Spiritual Washouts?" by Jo Danieli: "Maybe there are lots of students of esoteric matters who feel like spiritual washouts sometimes if they cannot achieve what their masters show them as optimum. Of course there is always another way to achieve something, but sometimes people are better off taking a different path if the world view of a spiritual master doesn't fit to their own inner being."
Making The World A Better Place
("To bless" in Hawaiian is "ho'omaika'i" and it means to increase the goodness of someone or something. We can bless with words, with visions, and with actions)
Globally: Bless the peacemakers in the world, those who are helping the survival of endangered species, and the recovery efforts from Hurricane Sandy.
Locally: Onions will last longer and not sprout if you wrap them in aluminum foil. If you cut an onion and only use half, make the other half keep longer by rubbing butter on the cut edge.
Send your healing requests to huna@huna.org;
Join Serge Kahili King on Facebook (add a message) and connect with a lively group of sharing, helpful people;
Participate in our Online Healing Circle at http://www.huna.org/html/hcircle.html.
Participate in our global healing work and classes at Huna Village in Second Life.
Current Articles on the Web at Huna.org:
- "Angry Illnesses," by Serge Kahili King
- "The Moment of Letting Go," by Stewart Blackburn
- "Changing The Past," by Graeme Urlich
- "Time Casting," by Jim Fallon
At Creative Corner:
- "Family," a joke about seniors
Upcoming Events
Check the Huna Calendar for:
- November 10-14, Hawaiian Massage Workshop by Susan Pa'iniu Floyd in Russia
- November 26-30, Ancient Huna Healing Course by Serge Kahili King on Big Island
- December 2, Huna Talk by Serge Kahili King on Big Island
- and much more...
At The Huna Store:
November Special: Power Bracelets for $15.00 with free shipping.