Hawaiian Huna Village
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Aloha Newsletter
September 2014
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Excerpt from "My Journey With Huna" by Maria Waldock: "Even now, days after this experience, it is still filtering down within me, allowing further realisations to come to the surface. I thought about the position of the feathers and realised that I had been looking ahead only seeing the feather that was obvious and very noticeable and had not seen the tail feather until I stopped and was almost standing on it. So often we ask for something and when we don't see it or choose not to see it, we think our request was not answered and we lessen our trust in the process. In my instance, when I have created this in the past it gave me permission to believe my lack of self worth. But, I have come to realise everything we need is right in front of us, sometimes right at our feet!! I am reminded of the power of being in the moment, Manawa. When we are not here we cannot clearly see the gifts right in front of us." (read the whole article at http://www.huna.org/html/waldock.html)
"When you have only two pennies left in the world, buy a loaf of bread with one, and a lily with the other." - Chinese Proverb
For Hawaii residents and current visitors: Aloha International participates in a program called GiveAloha, whereby donations to AI up to $249 with a Maikai Card at Foodland and Sack'n'Save are matched by those stores. If you want to help just give the name Aloha International or Huna International at checkout.
Send your healing requests to huna@huna.org;
Join Serge Kahili King on Facebook and connect with a lively group of sharing, helpful people;
Participate in our Online Healing Circle at http://www.huna.org/html/hcircle.html.
Participate in our Huna Discussion Group every Wednesday in Second Life Wednesdays at 8am Hawaii time ((South end of Ruby Caye at the Circle).
Current Articles on the Web at Huna.org:
- "Power Hits and Love Bites" by Serge Kahili King
- "The Blessing of Water" by Susan Pa'iniu Floyd
- "Reality and Truth! Oh My!" by Stewart Blackburn
- "You Are The Adventurer" by Pete 'Ike Dalton
- "Life Talk" by Mieko Hayashi
Upcoming Events
Check the Huna Calendar for:
- September 16-December 9, Online, Heal Your Life With Huna, taught by Katherine Veilleux
- September 19-December 12, Onlinekurs "Der Stadt-Schamane" in German language taught by Hildegard Elisa
- October 6-10, Big Island, The Magic of Manifesting course by Serge Kahili King
- and much more...
At The Huna Store:
- A new technique booklet: "Amulets & Talismans"