Hawaiian Huna Village
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Healing Hut
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The Aloha Project
The Huna Store
Aloha Newsletter
March 2013
Aloha Everyone! We hope you enjoy our newsletter, but if you wish to be removed from our list, please reply to this email with"Remove" in the subject line and we will delete your name from our mailing list.
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Excerpt from "Computers Have Feelings, Too!" by Fern Merle-Jones: "Recently, I had the opportunity to learn that my laptop computer was not only alive and aware, but also seemed to respond to the stresses of current events with surprisingly human reactionsÉ (As I got depressed from world news my computer stopped working. With loving talk and the help of a tech it worked again) After we replaced (the CNN page) with my beautiful Island Blessings page which has the cliffs of Napali lit with vibrant colors from a huge rainbowÉ I finally got the message. My computer was alive, aware, and responsive, which means that she could also get stressed. She needed to have beauty around her to remind her of our beautiful world, just like me! "
Making The World A Better Place
This month we begin featuring Healing Groups of any kind that meet on a regular basis. In addition to making it known here, the group information will be posted in the Healing section of our main website. If you belong to a group that wants to be listed, please let us know.
Featured Group: Shamanizing Group in Portland, Oregon. Meets the first Sunday of every month except July. Contact Brian Lundquist, 541-840-8155, brian@nanotech-now.com.
Send your healing requests to huna@huna.org;
Join Serge Kahili King on Facebook (add a message) and connect with a lively group of sharing, helpful people;
Participate in our Online Healing Circle at http://www.huna.org/html/hcircle.html.
Participate in our global healing work and classes at Huna Village in Second Life.
Current Articles on the Web at Huna.org:
- "How To Manifest Your Goals," by Serge Kahili King
- "Permission Slips," by Stewart Blackburn
- "Dynamind and Medications," by Jim Fallon
Other Updates at Huna.org:
- Hunamail
- Huna Happenings
- Creative Corner
Upcoming Events
Check the Huna Calendar for:
- April 7, Virtual Huna Village in Second Life, HunaTalk by Serge Kahili King
- April 7, Volcano, Big Island, HunaTalk by Serge Kahili King
- April 10-14, Ibiza, Spain, Hawaiian Massage course by Sigrid Vaupel
- and much more...
At The Huna Store:
- Energy Necklaces are available again.