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Changing Ku Source Code
by Mai-Britt Rosendal

Lately, I have been having computer problems. My computer is begging me for a nice digital cleansing. Reformatting even. De-bugging and patches aren't enough.

Sometimes our Ku has problems very similar to those of a computer, and we need to take similar measures to correct the problem.

Like a computer. we do not run as effectively as we could with only de-bugs and patches. Sometimes we have to reformat ourself.

All of this has to do with a decision I made on my way home from a Huna workshop in Starnberg, Germany. At that time I entered two new pieces of code onto my Ku hard drive: "I am perfectly okay just as I am" and "I am worthy of success in all areas of my life." The first bit of code is what I call my "Starnberg Core Rule." The second piece of code is an extension of the core. The effect was pretty much like applying a super-powerful data-analyzer to all my systems.

Naturally, this new paradigmatic code went against a lot of the old code, and when the old coding cropped up in protest (and it did instantly ;-)) I had to come up with the logical fix for that discrepancy. Deciding to go back to the old code was not an option.

The problem I faced was how to come up with a logical structure that would support the new coding and at the same time make the old code inoperative.

You see, logic is really rather ruthless, meaning that once you accept the initial premise, there can be no exceptions or the system fails to function. So I turned to the first principle of Huna for the foundation of my new logical structure: The world is what you think it is.

As Pohaku at Huna-trainer.com says: "Work with the premise that the first principle works EVERY time."

For ALL instances. No exceptions. If you put in loopholes and backdoors like "Oh well, my thoughts determine my experience *except* when someone wants me to be or do something in order for them to like me. In those cases I don't have the power, they do, because I need them to love me or like me or at least accept me in order to allow myself to feel ok with myself." Right in that moment I have created the equivalent of a nasty digital worm. I have made myself a victim, meaning I don't have responsibility for the unwanted things that happen to me. Other people control me. Or circumstances do. Or... Stop it! First principle applies! And so do the new rules.

Serge says it right between the eyes in his workshop on self esteem:

"There's one thing you have to be clear about: In this life some people will like you no matter what you do, some people will like you depending on what you do, some people will not like you depending on what you do, and some people will not like you no matter what you do. And unfortunately sometimes they can even be parents." (exerpt from Self Esteem video)

Serge goes on to say that there's really no such thing as "blanket self esteem." Your self esteem is always in relation to people and situations. And it always has to do with how you feel about yourself, not how other people feel about you. Self esteem is the esteem we give to ourselves.

I imagine this is a provocative message for most people. And a liberating one once you decide that this means you really have both the responsibility and the power to raise or lower your own self esteem. YOU make the rules of how good you should feel about yourself in certain situations.

For me this has meant that I have had to deal a lot with shame.

I have created (unconsciously- system-check-level) situations in which I have been taught in childhood (or even past lives) that "Here I should feel bad about myself."

Lots of situations. Not pleasant ones. They never are. And in each situation I have been able to say, "Ok, so the old rules say, 'Feel bad about yourself (ashamed) if you end up with no money.' Or 'Feel bad about yourself (ashamed) if you get red spots on your skin and don't look perfect.'"

But this can't be, since the core rule is: "I am perfectly okay just as I am." Therefore, I am allowed to feel good about myself no matter what happens to me.

This also means that when I have to deal with a person who is hostile to me and I've tried to harmonize with all the pleasant stuff, the final thing I've learned (Thank you Serge for your video on self esteem) is to decide "I don't care. I allow this person to not like me. My feeling about myself is NOT affected. It's my decision!" And this decision is supported by my core rule and the logic of Huna's first principle.

Yes, really. It's that simple. Not necessarily easy. But simple. Yes it is.

And for the record: No. There are no exceptions to the first principle.

You are NEVER a victim (unless you want to think you are one). All power comes from within, yes, really :)))))

Copyright Huna International 2010

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