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Implementing Change
by Astrid Mohr-Kiehn

Change is a funny thing. It is a natural part of life, and yet it can be so difficult sometimes.

Some changes are seemingly forced on us and may be hard to accept or cope with if we do not employ our given adaptation skills and the powers of our minds. One way to make good use of this kind of change is to be open to its powerful aspects and the opportunities it brings into our lives. Opportunities we had not even thought possible. I know that this might not be easy to believe at first when change from the outside is presented to you.

Other changes are created when we consciously decide to manifest them.

Some of the changes that we want to bring into our lives for good reasons, however, can be difficult to manifest. This is the kind of change I want to take a look at today.

Why is it sometimes so difficult to implement change? Well, part of the reason is that old beliefs, habits, and automatic responses are so deeply ingrained in our "way of being" that we accept them as being part of who we are. We consider them such an integral part of ourselves that we don't even see them.

How can we change them when we don't see those beliefs, habits and responses? How do we get from here, a situation we want to change, to there?

You begin by looking at results. Results are the feedback from your life. They are probably what made you want to bring about a change in the first place, right? So, you look a little closer and watch for that particular kind of feedback. What factors led up to the things happening in your life? What was the situation? How did you behave? What did you feel? What are your habitual reactions to that kind of situation? Your feelings and tension in your body are the most accurate feedback tool. Conscious awareness is the key to this first step. From this perspective you are able to get a more accurate picture of what triggered the results you see.

The next step is to start to squeeze in a pause before you respond to these triggers in your life. This gives you time to become aware of your emotions and to decide whether your habitual response will encourage the change you want to implement. If not, you may want to decide to react differently. Decision is the keyword here. To support making this pause, you could use a breathing technique, such as Piko Piko.

When you begin, don't be discouraged if you do not succeed every time right from the start. In fact, it is highly likely that you will initially "fail". However, this is not "failure". It is just your subconscious, your Ku, continuing old habits in an effort to help you through life. At this point, Ku - your body-mind that holds all your memories - is still convinced that this old habit is useful because it has served you all these years, right? You have to consciously and patiently work with Ku in any way feasible to change those habits by keeping your focus on the change you want to bring about. As a matter of fact, it is your Lono aspect that directs the Ku with its intellect and imaginative thought. Lono takes the decision and directs the focus. So: focus.

To focus effectively, you need to be in the present moment in order to be able to really notice the feedback from your emotions and tensions. If you are past this point with your fears and expectations, you will miss the chance to interrupt the cycle. Presence is key. Rely on your senses to help you stay in the moment because it is only in the present moment that we can make a change.

Don't fall into the trap of self-criticism if at first you do not succeed. Self-criticism will increase your tension and make it even harder to implement new behavior at the next opportunity. Watch yourself lovingly like a child trying out new things. That little child just plays with possibilities and learns from the so-called "failures". Consider how much progress a child makes in this way. Playfully and lovingly.

The only person who can make this change is you. You are the only person that ultimately has the power to do anything, achieve anything in your life. No one else does. No one.

As you go along with this process, you will be able to fine-tune what you do and how you go about it, always keeping an eye on the feedback that life gives you. If the feedback is not what you were aiming at, you can always do it another way. Or another way. OR even another way. Sometimes it even helps to change some habit seemingly unrelated to the intended change.

So, be aware of your behavior, use your power of decision, be present, love yourself and those around you, stay in your own power, and be creative with your solutions. And if you do not lose sight of your goal you will get there.

Give it a try.

(You will find a German version of this article at: www.huna-for-success.com, see under Hawaii etc./Talk Story)

Copyright Huna International 2010

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