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The Echo Of The Spirit
© Jo Danieli

An echo is something puzzling. Especially before any means of recording had been invented, people were petrified by the wonder of experiencing the own voice AFTER they had said something. Being confronted with an echo, you meet your own language of the mind: How you say something, what you say, and what message the acoustic content truly contains.

Now, an echo need not be a real reflection of sound in the world outside your body and aura, it can also be an inner repetition of something you have thought, imagined or done. Your inner self reflects some message - from you to others or from you to yourself. Basically the latter is always true for all kinds of communication, as every contact with any form of existence has always to do with the changes that happen to the cosmic personality that you are in the course of your life.

Some tones being reflected over and over again become more meaningful than if they would have been heard only once and had then faded away. To hear something repeatedly creates different impressions of one and the same message, implied in that tone or noise. Those impressions may not be perceived on a conscious level and neither may you understand their effects on your behavior, but anyway, they DO affect what is going on in your inner factory and what you think and do further on. Whether you are the source or not. Everything happening in this cosmos (and cosmos means order) has effects on everything else. We live in a densely knit network.

A simple echo in the mountains makes you wonder: Wow, do I really sound like this? Is THIS my voice? And, if you did not expect the echo: Did I really say that? This may evoke the inner question: Did I really mean that? And: Where did that come from?

An echo may be used for a psychohygienic purpose: Keep silent, if somebody accuses you of something. Keep silent, if somebody insults you or criticizes you. Keep silent after you did something like that to somebody else and get accused of having insulted somebody, ... and in any case: Let the inner echo teach you about a deeper message and maybe the true meaning of what has been said. Yes, there IS the need to clear the situation, but not necessarily at once.

Why, you ask? Because silence forces everyone to reflect on what had been said or had happened just before and stuff around or behind it. As the living human recorder that you are, you are storing in your active mind's memory what you read here, and so from now on you may hold back an angry reply unconsciously in conversations, because now you are aware of the value of silence. Underlying truth: It always depends on each and every one of us what we make out of a situation. We are not the victims of other people's decisions, if we don't agree to be victims. Many terrible stories are communicated by the media concerning crimes or self injuries committed thoughtlessly, without reflection, right after some experience that was considered to be threatening, criticizing or insulting.

Lives could be saved if people were more aware of the fact that they can always determine how to react to anything happening to them. It only takes the deep inner agreement between all parts of our spiritual being that we are not victims, neither of others nor of our own emotions or reflexes.

Once this order of being a directing mind with full power of decision is anchored in the cosmic personality that you are, you are ready to become a real Homo sapiens: A being, that KNOWS about the own power and is able and willing to make conscious use of it. It can't be that easy, you contradict? If you think so, you give yourself the order to judge life according to this limiting decision and maintain a negative basis for more limiting decisions of how to live.

One fact should be clear to everyone: A miserable human being affects hundreds of others by his wrong use of his human power of decision. A human being who decides to be weak and helpless is responsible for everything negative he causes in the lives of others because of his negative ideas of life. It is your task as a human being to open your eyes to your true nature: You owe it to every other human being being in contact with you. How can you justify affecting other people's lives negatively because of your ignorance for your true nature? And if you did not know better before - Now you know.

Listening to the echo of your words, and, in a symbolic sense, to everything you ever caused or helped develop, makes you understand more than you would have on the superficial level you used to live.Whatever has been said - it keeps ringing in the ears of everyone who has heard it, including the person who said it. If nothing follows, those sounds remain the subjects to be dealt with, very much so in the mind of the source-person.

If you answer in anger your words now work like a echo in everybody's mind. And the cause of your reaction has faded away. It is now you who had the last word and who serves as center of the crisis.

Why not reflect on the echo of words uttered by yourself and others in your mind BEFORE you answer or repeat or add something? Be aware that there is much more behind the words you chose, the sound you gave them and the reason why you said them than your conscious mind is able to understand without reflection. And be aware that this is true for everything you hear that you might judge being insulting. Why continue screaming at each other and shedding rubbish over each other's head, which, later, surely will be regretted? No need to strike back immediately: The Huna kupua tradition teaches that every being at any time of existence does it's best anyway, as one can never help reacting to the inner constellation which is due to everything he did, experienced and stored before.

Let us be understanding instead of judgmental and sensible like a mimosa. If you keep silent after somebody has uttered something not so pleasant, the other one has the chance to get some insights and maybe a different understanding of the situation, and he might regret his (re)action. Re-action means that the happening must have been preceded by some other action that must have had a certain cause, which must have been due to some inner pattern of belief, which is based on former experiences and so on.

Whatever we experience in our lives has its roots in the beginnings of the universe, so to say. So why angrily react as simpleminded minor beings instead of being generous and understanding and react as the great cosmic conglomerates that we are?

One thing is obvious: What you hear in your "inner ear", keeps your mind busy. If it is your own stuff, the subject will be processed in your inner factory. Good for you.So if you keep silent after somebody has let you know about his anger or disappointment over this or that, you give him the chance to reflect on it. And give yourself the same opportunity: to really learn.

Chances are, that because of the echo of his own words, the source will pick up the thread again after a while, changing the content. He might have gotten a very valuable insight in his own ideas. Maybe he puts some more wood on the fire, at first, continuing. But if you keep silence, eventually he will stop. Then his words echo even more in his own mind (you might have gone on with your own business anyway). And he might come up with even more surprising news after a while, from apologies to total change of his mind. Maybe this person won't say anything, though, but a change of attitude will take place, silently, and the results like actions may be witnessed later.

Sometimes it will be your role to pick up the thread of routine, letting the other one by sensitive signs know that you appreciate his change and like and respect him. Stubborn "Why should I?" thoughts should never influence relationships. As understanding and helpful as you are to others, so understanding and helpful they will be to you. Somebody always has to start a circle, and it is a very honorable task to take the first step, including braveness and humanity as well as the smart motto: I am the creator of my world.

Although you cannot count on it that every time somebody says something you find improper that person will change position after a while. Instead he might insist on his point of view. So what? At least you had a chance to be really proud of your self-discipline.

If you want to benefit from the cleansing echo-effect, it might be a good idea to leave right after having said something heavy. Not in the running-away-fashion, that upsets others even more. Make eye contact and then leave. Let the other one know that you intend to reflect. He will understand deep inside, as everybody knows situations like this from their own experience. Remember your childhood, when you screamed at your parents and then you rushed out of the room in anger, locking the door behind you in your own room ... and after a while of being by yourself, your own voice echoing in your head, you regretted. You wished you had not said what you did say or had not done what you did you. And how great was the relief when your parents did not get back to you on the scene, just kept silent! They knew.

This must not be confused with the unpleasant and wide spread habit of silencing something to death, so that important contents remain undiscussed, nor with stubborn fear-silence. No need to contribute to the lack of communication that nations suffer from nowadays. Silence is golden, an old proverb says. Yes, especially when it is followed by new, respectful communication.

Silence may induce wondrous changes if the echo within is allowed to fix something messy or broken. "But I cannot leave an unfair attackuncontradicted!" you might scream. Why not? You cannot make the other one change his mind by attacking back in a situation of rage or when he is so deeply caught up in his own belief systems, pains and disappointments. You know, that something was not right. That is enough for the moment. Keep silent, and the other one gets a chance to develop new thoughts. (You want this for yourself, too.) And insights, hopefully. Back to healthy self-discipline: At least, you will have proved that you are the master of your own reactions and don't let your life be ruled by habitual reflexes.

You never have to prove you are right and to convince others that you are, because everyone lives according to own ideas of what is right or wrong anyway. The only thing that needs to be proved in every situation is acceptance. The truth will reveal itself. It is only to be measured by effectiveness. Language is only the echo of the spirit.

E malama pono! Take care!

Copyright Huna International 2004

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