Hawaiian Huna Village
Workshop Hut
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Healing Hut
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The Aloha Project
The Huna Store
Aloha Newsletter
August 2008
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Excerpt from Urban Shaman, by Serge Kahili King:
"Choosing is what most people think of as decision making. Choosing is making a decision to turn your attention in one direction rather than another, or to do one thing rather than another. Many people experience great difficulty in making such decisions, (because) they are afraid of making the wrong decision... What they are really afraid of is either being disappointed or receiving disapproval... No one can make a wrong decision about the future because a present decision does not create a future event... Future events are created by future decisions, or rather, decisions made when the future is a present moment experience."
Kilauea Volcano Watch
More lava is flowing, more vog is being put out, and frequent explosions are occuring at the ocean exits. Same stuff as last month.
Making The World A Better Place
Check out "17 Reasons Why Bicycles Are The Most Popular Vehicle In The World Today"
Aloha International News
Alakai Susan Pa'iniu Floyd, sponsored by Alakai Jutta Hahr, taught Hawaiian Massage in Germany with students from Hamburg, South Africa, and Ireland. In July Susan and Serge taught Hawaiian Shamanism to students from the USA, Germany, Italy, Australia, Poland, and East Africa.
Huna Village in Second Life is hosting another Global Healing Circle every Saturday at 9 am Pacific time. Holani Island has hung a number of "wizardy" pictures in Uli's skybox.
Current Articles on the Web at Huna.org:
- "The Myth of Supply and Demand" by Serge Kahili King.
- "Nose Flute Magic" by Jim Fallon.
- "But Which One Is True?" by Graeme Kupono Urlich.
- From the online Hawaiian Museum: "The Hawaiian Nose Flute" by Serge Kahili King.
Send your healing requests to huna@huna.org and participate in our world-wide healing work at the Healing Hut.
At The Huna Store:
- A Clearance Sale of VHS videos and audio cassette bundles by Serge Kahili King for only US$10.00 each.
Upcoming Events
Check the Huna Calendar for:
- August 3, Second Life, Huna Talk at Huna Village in Pali Uli
- August 3, Hawaii, Huna Talk at Cooper Center in Volcano
- September 7-11, Japan, Hawaiian Massage Workshop by Susan Pa'iniu Floyd
- September 7-12, Big Island, Hunaquest Course by Serge Kahili King and Fern Merle-Jones
- and more...
Ku ka lau lama
Many torches stand.
(There are many lighted bonfires, a signal of joy and victory)