Aloha Newsletter May 2007 Aloha Everyone! We hope you enjoy our newsletter, but if you wish to be removed from our list, please reply to this email with"Remove" in the subject line and we will delete your name from our mailing list. Click here to view this email in your browser Excerpt from the book, Healing For The Millions, by Serge Kahili King (Hunaworks, 2004): "The world needs healing because people need healing. We cannot heal 'the world' because 'the world' is nothing but an abstract concept used to represent all the billions of people and other things that make up the world... We cannot even heal diseases, as experience shows. Our 'wars' on cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and such non-disease illnesses as drug and alcohol addiction, and obesity have not been successful except in cases where individual people have recovered... What we can most definitely do is to heal, or facilitate the healing, of individual people... More simply put, we can change the world by changing people, or better, by giving people the tools to change themselves." Aloha International News On May 20th Aloha International will present its first "Instant Healing" mini-workshop on the Big Island at Cooper Center in Volcano Village, featuring the Dynamind Technique as taught by Serge Kahili King.
New letters and world Huna happenings, and new inspirations, along with participation in our world-wide Healing Circle are in the Sharing Hut.
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