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Aloha Newsletter
November 2006

Aloha Everyone! We hope you enjoy our newsletter, but if you wish to be removed from our list, please reply to this email with"Remove" in the subject line and we will delete your namefrom our mailing list.
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"One individual always makes a difference in spreading love and peace in the world. Huna philosophy says that there are no limits, and the pertinent meaning here is that we are all connected to everyone and everything in the universe. Therefore everything one does as an individual affects the whole. All thoughts, words, images, prayers, blessings and deeds are listened to by all that is. The more positive they are, the greater their influence. One person's loving thought is capable of shifting a storm away from a village thousands of miles away. The problem is not whether we have influence as individuals, but trusting that we do." - excerpt by Serge Kahili King from Straight From The Heart," edited by Danielle Marie, Allwon Publishing Co. 1992.
Aloha International News

Big Change! Aloha International is moving its headquarters (we like to call it "heartquarters") from Kauai to Volcano Village on the Big Island as of December 5th. The location is in the middle of a beautiful forest of hapu'u tree ferns and tall ohi'a trees with red lehua blossoms (see photo above). Birds are abundant and the energy is outstanding. Email ( and telephone (808-645-7007) remain the same and mail can be sent to Aloha International, General Delivery, Volcano HI 96785. Sadly, the Hawaiian Art Museum, which has been operating on Kauai since 1987, will close its doors on December 1st, but we hope to have something similar on Big Island in due course. The staff who are moving are Kahu Serge Kahili King and Alakais Gloria King, Susan Pa'iniu Floyd, Lois Stokes and Earl Stokes. Alakais Fern and Michael Merle-Jones, Peggy Kemp, and Chet and Ann Lindt will remain on Kauai to maintain the work of Aloha International on that island.

New letters and world Huna happenings, new poetry, new inspirations, and new photos, along with participation in our world-wide Healing Circle are in the Sharing Hut.
Shaman Hui News (for information on the Shaman Hui go to
Some months ago the Wave Hui began shamanic work on the problem with gill nets in Hawaiian waters. On November 18th an article appeared in the Hawaii Star-Bulletin newspaper reporting that the Hawaiian Department of Land and Natural Resources had just imposed some severe new rules on gill net fishing, including regulations specifically intended to protect sea turtles and Hawaiian monk seals.
Current Articles on the Web
Go to The Hawaiian Huna Village for links to:
"Trust" by Serge Kahili King
"Lomi Styles," by Susan Pa'iniu Floyd
"Peace," an archive article by Jim Brinkley

Upcoming Events
Check the Huna Calendar for:
"Hula Intensive," a workshop by Kawaikapu Hewett at the end of November on the Big Island;
and more...

Mai hahaki 'oe i ka 'ohelo o punia i ka ua noe
Do not pluck the 'ohelo berries lest we be surrounded by rain and fog
(It is kapu - forbidden or against tradition - to pluck 'ohelo berries on the way to the crater of Kilauea. To do so would cause rain and fog to come and you would lose your way. It also refers to avoiding behavior that would go against your purpose.)

palm isle
Contact Us

This email is a communication from Aloha International
19-4174 Kalaninauli Rd. Volcano HI 96785
808-645-7007 Unsubscribe me from this list.