Aloha Newsletter June 2012 Aloha Everyone! We hope you enjoy our newsletter, but if you wish to be removed from our list, please reply to this email with"Remove" in the subject line and we will delete your name from our mailing list. Click here to view this email in your browser Excerpt from "My Teacher The Horse" by by Bev Brody Skerik: "(Energy does flow where attention goes-this was on a horseback ride) Our guide, Annie, explained to us if you want your horse to go to the right, gently pull on the right side of the rein, kick slightly with your left foot and most importantly, she says, LOOK IN THE DIRECTION YOU WANT TO GO. She went on to tell us if you want your horse to go to the left, gently pull on the left rein, give a slight kick with your right foot and again she emphasized...LOOK IN THE DIRECTION YOU WANT TO GO." Making The World A Better Place Globally: Bless the peacemakers in Sudan, the power of fish to survive fishing, and the coming of rain to West Africa. Locally: Avoid blisters and medicine while doing any hard work with your hands by putting talcum powder on them beforehand, even if you use gloves. It will help absorb moisture and reduce friction. Online:
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