copyright by Serge King 2003
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Help Yourself With Dynamind, by Serge Kahili King - English Version
Basic Format
1. Choose a physical, emotional, or mental problem to work on.
2. Bring both hands together with your fingertips touching.
3. Make the following statement, aloud or silently: "I have a problem, and that can change; I want that problem to go away."
4. With two or three fingers tap these points 7 times each: the center of your chest; the outer area between the thumb and index finger of both hands; the bone at the base of your neck.
5. Inhale with your attention focused on the top of your head; exhale with your attention on your toes.
6. Symptoms may change in intensity, location, or type. Repeat the above steps for continued benefit.
The Dynamind Technique, or DMT, is a safe, easy, fast, and effective method of healing based on a special blend of words, touch, breath and, sometimes, imagery. It has been designed so that most people can use it themselves to help relieve most conditions most of the time in less than an hour. It can also be used in combination with other treatments to help all people with all conditions in varied times.
All healing comes from within. DMT by itself does not heal anything, but it helps prepare the mind and the body so that healing may happen more easily. It has proven effective as an aid to healing a wide variety of physical, emotional and mental conditions, and it is being tested with more and more conditions every day by an international team of practitioners.
DMT can be used alone, or it can be combined with any other conventional, alternative, or complementary healing method. It can be used by children as well as adults, and has been used successfully in the healing of animals as well.
The Dynamind Technique is simple to learn and use. You will not need to accept any system of beliefs or philosophy for it to work and, in fact, it will even work if you don't believe in it. However, an actively negative attitude will diminish its effects. You may use it for yourself and share it with family and friends and those in need.
The effectiveness of the Dynamind Technique is based on a theory that all physical, emotional and mental problems are related to excessive tension in the body. The theory proposes that tension accumulates in layers, with focal points that produce specific symptoms. Healing takes place when tension layers are relaxed.
According to this same theory, when the body is in a state of dynamic tension - a wave-like cycle of tension and relaxation - the body immediately and automatically goes into a healing mode whenever unusual stress is encountered. As long as the dynamic state is maintained, healing is very rapid. During this same state the mind also recovers quickly from stress and, emotional upsets are temporary and moderate.
If the body enters a state of static tension - a wall-building cycle of increasing resistance - then the healing response is inhibited, allowing disease and dysfunction, confusion and negative thinking, or anger and fear to flourish.
Any method that helps the body to move from a state of static tension to a dynamic one will release or stimulate the natural healing response of the body.
You do not have to accept the theory in order to use Dynamind effectively.
Each segment of the Dynamind Technique is a separate healing technique itself. While the specific source for these techniques happens to be ancient Hawaiian tradition, similar techniques are found in many other parts of the world. It is the combined and cumulative effect of these techniques together that produces the amazingly rapid results of DMT.
The Hand Position
The Dynamind Technique begins with bringing both hands together with only fingertips touching, as if holding a globe. This is a position used in some kinds of meditation to help induce relaxation. It also has the benefit of serving as a subconscious signal that a healing process is about to begin.In practice, the Hand Position is maintained throughout the process except during the touching segment.
The Statement
The Basic Dynamind Statement, composed of three parts, is neither an affirmation nor a request. It is, instead, an acknowledgement of the problem, a declaration of expectation, and a specific directive. Let's analyze the Basic Statement in this way:
"I have a problem..." This is an acknowledgement that the problem exists.It works best if the problem is clearly defined in terms of symptom, intensity, sensation and location. Even simple acknowledgement often initiates a process of relaxation.
"... and that can change." This is a declaration of expectation that the problem is not permanent and that relief is possible, also a relaxing idea.
"I want that problem to go away." This is a directive. Whether you want to think of it as being directed to the body, the subconscious, the brain, or anything else doesn't matter. When you speak such a directive to yourself it begins to take effect to some degree. This Basic directive was chosen because it works for most people most of the time.
Any part of the Statement can be modified to produce a better effect. What follows is what helps the effect to be even greater.
The Touch
Touching the body anywhere stimulates an energetic response that affects the entire physical, mental and emotional system. Touching the body in certain places and in certain ways can evoke a specific response that is both energizing and relaxing at the same time.
Dynamind uses four specific areas of the body for the Touch segment of the technique in the following sequence:
1. The Thymus area in the center of the chest. Touching this area in certain ways is known to help relieve anxiety, relax the chest and lung muscles, and stimulate the immune system.
2. The Hoku points of both hands. Well-known in Chinese acupuncture, these points are often stimulated for headache relief, and are considered by some to have a revitalizing effect on the whole body. They are located in the area where lines that follow the sides of the thumb and first finger intersect.
3. The 7th cervical vertebra (the bony hump at the top of the spine/base of the neck). Used in Hawaiian bodywork, stimulation of this area is considered to have a revitalizing and relaxing effect on the upper body, spine, and pelvic area.
Many other points or areas could have been used, but these have the advantage of covering the front, sides, and back of the body, as well as being convenient to reach. Each of them is highly effective when used alone, and more so when used together. It is only necessary to touch the general area of the points mentioned above in order to get the proper effect. Massage or strong pressure are not required.
Four methods of touch are generally used in the Dynamind Technique:
1. Light Tapping.
2. Gentle Vibration.
3. Extended Contact (with light pressure).
4. Extended Contact with humming.
Each form of touch is maintained for a count of seven, not for any esoteric reason, but because it is an easy rhythm to remember, and is neither too long nor too short.
The Breath
The Dynamind Technique concludes with a special type of breathing called "piko-piko" in Hawaiian. This type of breathing consists of inhaling with the attention on one point, in this case the top of the head, and exhaling with the attention on a second point, in this case the toes.The concept is that this produces a wave of energy between the two points, but in any case the effect is both relaxing and vitalizing.
The Round
Each sequence of Statement, Touch and Breath is called a "Round." After each round you check the status of the symptom and either stop the process, repeat the process, or change the process (usually by changing the Statement) if the nature or location of the symptom has changed.
Symbolic imagination may be added to the Dynamind Technique with very good results. The process simply consists of translating the symptom into a symbol in the mind. When this is done it is called a "symbolic key" or "symkey" and is usually intended to open an "emotional lock," or "emlock" which occurs when emotional resistance inhibits the healing process and words are not effective. When a symbolic key is used it is inserted after the Statement and before the Touch.
For many people, simply imagining what the symptom feels like will produce a symbol that can be worked with. For example: "It feels like a knife;" "It feels like I'm drowning;" It feels like someone is choking me;" etc.
The way to work with the symbol is to change a negative symbol into a positive one with the imagination. Using the above examples, one could imagine pulling the knife out and throwing it away; being saved by a lifeguard; or the choking hands letting go and disappearing.
The idea is to change the symbol in some way so that the experience of the symptom is also changed and the condition feels better than it was. Experience has shown that repetition of the change three times in a row is often more beneficial.
For those who find it difficult to come up with a symbol, it is possible to create a symbol by asking a series of questions:
"If this symptom had a shape,
what would it be?"
"If this symptom had a color,
what would it be?"
"If this symptom had a weight,
what would it be?"
The next step would be to have an imagined friend, angel, or other helper reach into the body and remove this symbol with its specific shape, color and weight. It helps to describe this as it is happening. Again, a three-time repetition has been found to improve the effect.
Possible variations of the Statements used in the Dynamind Technique are endless, but the following ideas have been tried and tested with very good results. In all cases the Statements are followed by the Touch and the Breath.
Feeling Statements
The more specific these are the better. Examples:
"I feel pain in the third joint of my little finger..."
"I feel fear/anxiety in my chest..."
"I feel anger in my stomach..."
"I feel an urge to eat when I watch television..."
In this case the directive becomes: "I want that feeling to go away."
Thinking Statements
These are useful for dealing with issues related to the past or the future. Examples:
"When I think of what happened..."
"When I think of giving a speech..."
Power Statements
This refers to Statements that resemble affirmations and which are intended to reinforce or create positive behavior, rather than to resolve a problem. They are most effective after using DMT to resolve any related physical, mental or emotional issues. Examples:
"I have the power to speak in front of people without getting nervous, yes I do. Make it happen, make it so!"
"My body knows how to get rid of my excess fat, yes it does, and my body is starting to do that now!"
The Dynamind Toner
This is useful for general tension relief in the morning, evening, or when needed.
Use the Hand Position to begin and follow each Statement with the Touch and the Breath.
"There may be fear, anxiety, worry or doubt in my body and my mind, and that can change. I want all those problems to go away."
"There may be anger, resentment, unhappiness or guilt in my body and my mind, and that can change. I want all those problems to go away."
"There is love and peace, harmony and happiness somewhere in my body and my mind, and that is good. I want those feelings to grow and spread."
"There is power and strength, health and vitality somewhere in my body and my mind, and that is good. I want those qualities to grow and spread."
Feel free to change the wording according to your needs and desires.
Dynamind can work with animals and with children or with those who cannot do the technique for themselves.
Step 1
Establish an emotional rapport with the animal or person to be helped. This can be done with gentle words and petting, stroking, holding, or hugging.
Step 2
While maintaining physical contact with the animal or person in a comforting way, make a Statement on behalf of the one being helped. Example:
"(Name of animal or person) has a problem and that can change. (Name) wants that problem to go away."
Step 3
Touch the animal (assuming a mammal) or the person in a preferred way on the chest, on each shoulder joint, and on the back of the neck. If it is too inconvenient to touch the back of the neck, touch the chest again.
Step 4
Do the Breath with one hand contacting the top of the animal or person's head on the inhale, and the base of the spine (or hip joint) on the exhale.
1. Use an "Intensity Scale." Pick a number to represent the intensity of the problem before using DMT, with 0 being no problem and 10 being a severe problem, then choose a number after each round to monitor progress.
2. Whenever possible use specific sensations or feelings in describing the problem, not abstract labels. "I have a cold" is abstract; "I have a stuffy nose" is specific. "I am angry" is okay. "I feel anger in my solar plexus" is better.
3. If a pain or other symptom changes location after one or more rounds of DMT, assume that the new location represents a different symptom on a different tension layer, whether the symptom is of the same type as at first or not. For example, a DMT session might start with a pain in the chest on the first round, and change to a pain in the shoulder or trembling in the legs on the next round.
4. If a physical symptom does not change at all after three rounds of DMT, assume that a suppressed emotion is involved, whether there is awareness of such an emotion or not. In general, assume anger or fear by trial and error. Use Statements like "There may be anger in my shoulder," or "My eyes may be afraid of something."
5. When DMT doesn't work at all, use something else, or combine DMT with another approach.
Uses For The Dynamind Technique
Here is a partial list of the ways in which Dynamind has been used successfully:
Relief of Physical Pain and Aches
- Back (upper, middle, lower)
- Shoulders
- Joints
- Muscles (including myalgia)
- Headaches and migraines
- Neck pain and stiffness
- Eye soreness
- Teeth, gums and jaws
- Bones
- Skin
- Heart
- Tendons
- Uterine, vaginal and cervical
- Generalized pain
Relief of Other Physical Conditions
- Numbness and tingling
- Arthritis (pain, swelling, stiffness)
- Cancer (relief of pain, nausea from treatment, related emotional issues)
- Stiffness (joint and muscle)
- Skin conditions (Dermatitis, Eczema, Hives, Swelling, Itching)
- Allergy symptoms
- Nausea (including seasickness)
- Weight management (controlling urges)
- Tinnitus
- Ear pressure
- Diabetic shakiness
- Cold, sinus and flu symptoms
- Shortness of breath
- Fatigue and exhaustion
- Weakness
- Dizziness and Vertigo
- Excess energy and nervousness
- Excessive heat or burning sensations
- Menopause symptoms (including hot flashes)
- Insomnia
- Vision Improvement (Nearsightedness, Farsightedness, Distortion)
- General physical stress and tension
Emotional Pain and Feelings
- Anxiety (specific and generalized)
- Anger and resentment
- Guilt and grief
- Unhappiness
- Depression
- Loss
- Abandonment
- Betrayal
- Sadness
- Abuse
- General emotional stress and tension
Mental Pain and Issues
- Doubt
- Confusion
- Indecision
- Conflict
- Worry
- Self Worth and Self Esteem
- Criticism and negative thoughts
- Nightmares
- Autism
- General mental stress and tension
- Nail-biting
- Smoking
- Bed-wetting
- Alcohol intake (urge control)